fingers touching braille

Corporate Programs|

Print everything you need for your business in Braille and embossed illustrations!


  • Under Ministerial Decision No. 91354/2017, article 70 of the Greek Ministry of Economy and Development, your company is obliged to maintain a menu in Braille, while its absence carries a fine.
  • You will provide immediate and high-quality customer service to persons with vision impairments.
  • 75% of disabled clients and their relatives have terminated their transaction with a company that does not seem well-informed about the disability. At the same time, provided they are served inclusively, they are more loyal customers, make 5 more shopping trips per year, and spend more money than the typical population.
  • You will be promoted for free to the specialized audience of, which boasts 170,000 unique users for 2022 and more than 27,0500 followers on Facebook.
  • You will help NPO Me Alla Matia maintain job positions for disabled people.

The process is simple! You send us your menu in text and soon receive the Braille copy. Printing is carried out in any language. Do not forget that the printing and editing process mainly involves people with disability!

Menu Costs

  • The first copy of each language: €50 + taxes.
  • Each subsequent copy: 30 + taxes.
  • If your menu is not in Microsoft Word format, you can send it to us in any format, where there is an additional charge of €10 + taxes for typing.
  • Pricing includes binding with plastic cover and spiral. Shipping costs are not included.

You can combine this inclusive program with our following services:

  • Tactical display of surfaces (printing on microcapsule paper) such as floor plans, maps, and evacuation plans.
  • Disabled customer service: training seminar for inclusive service
  • PopMenu4All: digital, accessible menu
  • Menus translated into any language you wish
⭐Indicative Collaborations⭐
  • Mediterranee Hotel | Patra
  • Cafe-Bar Aeriko | Ilion
  • Domotel Kastri | Athens
  • Goloso Pizzeria | Ilion

For more information about the program, contact us at or +30210-2627385.

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